Since I last posted, nothing terribly exciting has happened; just the usual! I had class Thursday, then in the evening a bunch of our group went out for a 21st birthday. We are going out for dinner to continue the festivities tonight. Yesterday, I slept in a bit then ran for 1hour and 38 minutes! So good, except I fell once one the ice (you will see why later on). After working on a group project, I did a quick grocery store trip to search for maple syrup... because it was that time again: pancake time! The bible study girls and I, along with a French girl and a German girl who we met at the retreat, decided to have a Bible study/games night/pancake fest, for the girls who had never tried Canadian pancakes. It was successful and delicious!
Today, after successfully spending the majority of the day cooped up in my room doing homework (yes, it's true) and watching a Francis Chan sermon on youtube, I decided it was time to break out and go for a walk. It was sunny and the sky was blue so I figured it was time for some fresh air. We are unfortunately still in sub-zero temperatures, which is cold, but it was a beautiful day nonetheless. I realized that I have never taken pictures of my neighbourhood or where I run, so I brought my camera with me. I mean, I have posted pictures of all the places I have travelled, while forgetting to show you all what I see every day! Oh, and my title comes from that fact that I regretted not wearing sunglasses on my walk. It was bright.
So here is a little collection of photos I took on my walk today, of everyday sights that I get to take in. Enjoy!
One of my rez buildings. |
The bourgeonniere plaza ( in the distance) where there is a bakery, a grocery store, and more! |
My nourishment for the walk, a chausson de pommes. It`s like applesauce in pastry. This doesn't happen often, so I have to take advantage of when I treat myself! |
Walking onto campus |
We have a little castle on our campus. |
I ran into a crazy group of (teenagers? young adults?) people who were chanting and yelling. One was wearing a banana costume. |
The Erdre river, with some ice. |
Little bridge I run on. Snow! |
Death paths (where are you, sidewalk salt???) |
SDF tent city. I hope that these are abandoned, because it is too cold for tents right now. |
Every time I run by, I imagine myself owning the top apartment, which overlooks the river. |
Graffiti everywhere. |
Boats and the river, with the cathedral in the distance. |
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